A hook that allows to run a function after a specified delay.
import { useState } from "react";
import useTimeoutFn from "@/hooks/useTimeoutFn";
export default function UseTimeoutFnExample() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const [isReady, clear, set] = useTimeoutFn(() => {
setCount(count + 1);
}, 1000);
return (
<div className="text-ctp-text">
<p>Count incremented by timeout: {count}</p>
<div className="flex gap-4 py-4">
className="rounded bg-ctp-blue px-4 py-2 text-ctp-base"
Increment after 1 second
className="rounded bg-ctp-red px-4 py-2 text-ctp-base"
Cancel increment
<p>Timeout has been called: {isReady() ? "yes" : "no"}</p>
import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef } from "react";
export type UseTimeoutFnReturn = [() => boolean | null, () => void, () => void];
* A hook that allows to run a function after a specified delay.
* @param {Function} fn - The function to run.
* @param {number} ms - The delay in milliseconds.
* @returns {UseTimeoutFnReturn} An array containing three functions:
* 1. isReady - A function that returns true if the function has been called within the specified delay, or null if the delay has not yet started.
* 2. clear - A function to clear the timeout.
* 3. set - A function to set the timeout.
export default function useTimeoutFn(
fn: Function,
ms: number = 0,
): UseTimeoutFnReturn {
const ready = useRef<boolean | null>(false);
const timeout = useRef<ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>>();
const callback = useRef(fn);
const isReady = useCallback(() => ready.current, []);
const set = useCallback(() => {
ready.current = false;
timeout.current && clearTimeout(timeout.current);
timeout.current = setTimeout(() => {
ready.current = true;
}, ms);
}, [ms]);
const clear = useCallback(() => {
ready.current = null;
timeout.current && clearTimeout(timeout.current);
}, []);
// update ref when function changes
useEffect(() => {
callback.current = fn;
}, [fn]);
// set on mount, clear on unmount
useEffect(() => {
return clear;
}, [ms]);
return [isReady, clear, set];