
Hook to handle resize events of an element.



import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";

import type { RefObject } from "react";

type Size = {
  width: number | undefined;
  height: number | undefined;

type UseResizeObserverOptions<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement> = {
  ref: RefObject<T>;
  onResize?: (size: Size) => void;
  box?: "border-box" | "content-box" | "device-pixel-content-box";

const initialSize: Size = {
  width: undefined,
  height: undefined,

function useIsMounted(): () => boolean {
  const isMounted = useRef(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    isMounted.current = true;

    return () => {
      isMounted.current = false;
  }, []);

  return useCallback(() => isMounted.current, []);

 * Hook to handle resize events of an element.
 * @param {UseResizeObserverOptions<T>} options - The options for the hook.
 * @returns {Size} The size of the element.
export default function useResizeObserver<T extends HTMLElement = HTMLElement>(
  options: UseResizeObserverOptions<T>,
): Size {
  const { ref, box = "content-box" } = options;
  const [{ width, height }, setSize] = useState<Size>(initialSize);
  const isMounted = useIsMounted();
  const previousSize = useRef<Size>({ ...initialSize });
  const onResize = useRef<((size: Size) => void) | undefined>(undefined);
  onResize.current = options.onResize;

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!ref.current) return;

    if (typeof window === "undefined" || !("ResizeObserver" in window)) return;

    const observer = new ResizeObserver(([entry]) => {
      const boxProp =
        box === "border-box"
          ? "borderBoxSize"
          : box === "device-pixel-content-box"
            ? "devicePixelContentBoxSize"
            : "contentBoxSize";

      const newWidth = extractSize(entry, boxProp, "inlineSize");
      const newHeight = extractSize(entry, boxProp, "blockSize");

      const hasChanged =
        previousSize.current.width !== newWidth ||
        previousSize.current.height !== newHeight;

      if (hasChanged) {
        const newSize: Size = { width: newWidth, height: newHeight };
        previousSize.current.width = newWidth;
        previousSize.current.height = newHeight;

        if (onResize.current) {
        } else {
          if (isMounted()) {

    observer.observe(ref.current, { box });

    return () => {
  }, [box, ref, isMounted]);

  return { width, height };

type BoxSizesKey = keyof Pick<
  "borderBoxSize" | "contentBoxSize" | "devicePixelContentBoxSize"

function extractSize(
  entry: ResizeObserverEntry,
  box: BoxSizesKey,
  sizeType: keyof ResizeObserverSize,
): number | undefined {
  if (!entry[box]) {
    if (box === "contentBoxSize") {
      return entry.contentRect[sizeType === "inlineSize" ? "width" : "height"];
    return undefined;

  return Array.isArray(entry[box])
    ? entry[box][0][sizeType]
    : // @ts-ignore Support Firefox's non-standard behavior
      (entry[box][sizeType] as number);